
Hasselblad provides a number of digital solutions, both integral and
as third-party combinations. This provision extends even beyond
the medium format and thereby creates the most comprehensive
range of digital solutions for high end photography.
The H2 offers a versatile platform for both analogue and digital
work. However, digital integration is a fundament of the H system
concept resulting in much more efficiency. A digital back on an H
camera is therefore not an afterthought but rather an integral part
of the system.
The H2 grip LCD is pixel based to take advantage of interpreting sig-
nals from a digital back, resulting in digital display on the camera
and not just on the back or host computer screen. A histogram can
be displayed for immediate checking, for example. A histogram dis-
played on the camera LCD consumes less battery power than if it is
displayed on the digital back. Additionally, the H2 can be custom
set to accommodate digital requirements. The User button, for ex-
ample, can be set to immediately access grey balance adjustment
on the digital back.
There are a number of third-party digital backs on the market that
fit the H2. However, for the optimum in efficiency, a Hasselblad dig-
ital back is recommended.
Ixpress CFH
The 22Mpix based Ixpress CFH digital back is custom built to fit
the design and functionality of the Hasselblad H2 camera with its
range of high performance, leaf shutter based lenses. The Ixpress
CFH also fits onto view cameras using the H-system interface plate
for mechanical attachment and flash sync connection to trigger the
digital capture. In this way, the Ixpress CFH offers an ultra high level
of integration and flexibility to the specialist professional photog-
Ixpress CFH is the first digital back which integrates completely to
the new power system of the Hasselblad H2 camera. This means
that both the camera and the digital back use the one LI-Ion bat-
tery of the H2 as their power source.
The H2 also recognizes Hasselblad’s new Instant Approval
Architecture, bringing automated image classification into your
digital workflow from the split second of capture with the Ixpress
CFH back.
The Ixpress CFH offers the following features:
“Instant” user interface
e Ixpress CFH is operated with a straight forward user interface
with a series of “instant” one-button-click operations including:
instant capture, instant browse, instant approval, instant zoom,
and instant image info.