The button has no function.
True Focus
Activates True Focus function.
AF Drive
Activates the AF system in any focusing mode. When the button is pressed
the AF system sets the correct focusing point automatically. This is a rapid,
accurate and handy way of using the AF system when the camera is set to
manual focus mode. In this manner you take advantage of the accuracy
and certainty of the autofocus system while retaining the control inherent in
manual focusing mode.
Activates AE lock function.
Self timer
Initiates self timer function.
Initiates bracketing function.
Mirror up
Controls the mirror up or down function (same function as the M-UP button).
Stop down
Stops the lens down.
B mode
Sets the shutter speed to B exposure mode.
T mode
Sets the shutter speed to T exposure mode.
Customizable button function list
The TRUE FOCUS, AE-L, STOP DOWN and M.UP buttons can all be reassigned to different functions. Default settings are as
according to name.
1) Press the Menu button.
2) Press the button you want to
reassign (True Focus, AE-L,
M.UP or Stop Down).
This directly accesses the particular
button you chose at the Custom
options level in the menu.
3) Rotate the rear control wheel to
select the function you want the
button to activate.
4) Press the Save button.
Flash Measure
Initiates ash measure function.
Interval timer
Initiates interval timer function.
Cycle LM mode
Changes the light-metering method in a loop manner: Centre Weighted/
Acts as alternative shutter release button.
Sets the camera in standby mode to save battery consumption.
Recalls the last shown histogram on the grip LCD.
IAA toggle
Allows IAA rating change of last capture.
Displays last exposure taken at 100% scale on digital backs with LCD.
Delete last image
Activate the delete function for the last image in a digital back.
(to be implemented at a later stage).
Grey balance exp.
Initiates a grey balance exposure using the marker frame to select the desired
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