5) If the settings were incorrect to match the output of the ash
unit, the viewnder display shows a red triangle alongside a
ashing green ‘ash’ symbol plus a warning message - ‘Low
flash’. The grip display will also show a warning message -
‘Low flash’.
Conventional measures should then be taken to correct the
situation. (That is: move closer to the main subject, use a
larger aperture setting or use a higher ISO setting).
Separate ash unit connection and use
Separate ash units can be electrically connected either by way
of the hot shoe accessory holder (see previous warnings) on the
top of the viewnder or via a cord to the PC connection port on
the left hand side of the camera body. Slave unit switches/ trans-
mitters can also be connected similarly dependant on unit (see
specic user manuals for details).
Keep the plastic safety cover in place in the hot shoe when not
in use.
Flash measure of separate ash unit
You can measure the eect of an attached ash unit (with PC
connected ash units and SCA3902 compatible ash units set to
M mode), where the camera acts much as a ash meter would.
The aperture setting can be adjusted and more trial exposures
made until the information on the grip display is satisfactory.
To use ash measure:
1) Press the
FLASH button on the grip to access the ash option
2) Turn the rear control wheel until Flash measure appears.
3) Press Save (ISO/WB
button) to access the ash exposure
4) Make preliminary required aperture setting by turning the
front control wheel.
5) Press the AE-L button. The camera will close the aperture,
raise the mirror and re the ash. Light reected from the
ash lit subject will be reected o a white spot on the
auxiliary shutter to the meter sensor.
6) Deviations from a normal exposure are displayed as
dierences in EV on the grip display and the viewnder
display. If ‘high’ or ‘low’ appears, change the aperture
accordingly and make a new test reading.
Change the aperture until Diff EV: 0 appears, or the desired
amount of deviation from the normal exposure.
Diff EV
Low signies more than 2 EV under
Diff EV
High signies more than 2 EV over
The ‘Low Flash’ warning can be turned o in Custom Option
#26 if preferred.