Step Three: You may now select items to be
added to your play list.
Use the Navigation Buttons to return to the
Contents listing on the left side of the screen
and to highlight each desired selection. Press the
OK Button to select it, and a check mark will
appear to the right. See Figure 11c (Selecting a
Figure 11c – Selecting a Track
NOTE: If more than one track is selected, they
will be added to the play list in the disc’s native
order. If you wish to order them differently, select
each track one at a time and add them to the
program individually in the desired order.
Step Four:You may select all items in the cur-
rent view to add to the play list by moving the
cursor to the Select All line of the Control
Commands and pressing the OK Button. See
Figures 11d and 11e (Select All Command and
All Tracks Selected). This command is particularly
useful for programming data files, where you
wish to select all files in a folder.
Figure 11d – Select All Command
Figure 11e – All Tracks Selected
Step Five: When you have selected the desired
tracks, scroll to the Add to Program line of the
Control Commands, and press the OK Button. All
of the selected items will be copied to the play
list, and the check marks will disappear.
Step Six: To view the play list, scroll up to the
Program View line and press the OK Button. The
screen will change to display the contents of
your programmed play list. See Figure 11f
(Programmed Play List).
Figure 11f – Programmed Play List
Step Seven: Scroll to the Edit Mode line and
change the setting to Off. You may now play the
programmed list as you would the main list.
To remove individual tracks from the play list,
make sure the Program View is on screen. Use
the Navigation Buttons to highlight the track
and press the OK Button to select it, and a check
mark will appear. Then navigate to the Clear
Program command and press the OK Button to
remove the selected track from the program.
To remove all tracks from the programmed play
list, highlight the Select All line of the Control
Commands and press the OK Button to select all
tracks. Then scroll down to the Clear Program
command and press the OK Button to clear the
entire program. The program will also be cleared
if you open the disc drawer or remove the solid-
state media, as appropriate.
To return to the main Contents Menu, use the
Navigation Buttons to highlight the Browser
View command and press the OK Button.
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