
For example, if your display size is set to 1, WordSmith will use its medium display font to display
text that is 14 to 19 points. Please note that depending upon what Display Size and font size you are
working with it is possible that you will not see a difference in the actual display size (e.g, under
Display Size 3, font sizes 9 and up are all displayed as large).
Display Size
0-8pt Font 9-13pt Font 14-19pt Font 20pt+ Font
1 smallest smallest medium large
2 smallest medium large large
3 medium large large large
Other options include whether you would like to enable Full-screen paging (from within view mode, a page
down will not repeat the last line of the previous page) and Smooth scroll (turning off Smooth scroll will
result in line by line or “jerky” scrolling). In addition, for color organizers, you can also set your highlight
color from this dialog box. If you have FineType selected, we recommend that you use a light highlight
color for best results. Lastly, tap on the Tags title bar to decide whether you would like to show or hide the
tags (placeholder icons) for Bookmarks, Comments, Footnotes, Images and Tables.
Security… This dialog box, which is also accessible from the Options menu, allows you to set your
security preferences for WordSmith. If enabled, these preferences will become your minimum security
settings for WordSmith. In other words, if your handheld’s security is set to a higher standard, then the
higher standard will apply. If your handheld’s security is not set or is set to a lower level, then the setting
you have selected for WordSmith will trump. For more information about your handheld’s security
options, please refer to your handheld’s documentation.
WordSmith comes with 2 security timer options. The first enables you to set a timer to password protect
WordSmith. For example, if you want WordSmith to require that you provide a password after a certain
period of time, check the Require password after ___ box. To require a password upon start-up of
WordSmith, set the time to 0 minutes. Also, you can set WordSmith to automatically increase its security
level. For example, you can set WordSmith to automatically mask or hide all private records after a certain
amount of time has passed (minutes, hours or days). Lastly, for your convenience, you can elect to show,
mask or hide private records from this screen by using the Show/Mask/Hide push buttons.
Please note that masked records (records that have been replaced with gray placeholders as opposed to
hidden records that are deleted from the screen) are generally supported by devices running Palm OS 3.5 or