
Licence conditions
This product is protected by the intellectual prop-
erty rights of the Microsoft Corporation. The use
or distribution of such technology outside of this
product is prohibited unless under licence from
Microsoft or an authorised subsidiary.
Content providers use the digital rights manage-
ment technology for Windows Media contained
in this device (“WM-DRM”) to protect the integ-
rity of their content (“Secure Content”) so that
their intellectual property, including copyright, in
such content is not misappropriated. This device
uses WM-DRM software to play Secure Content
(“WM-DRM Software”). If the security of the
WM-DRM Software in this device has been com-
promised, owners of Secure Content (“Secure
Content Owners”) may request that Microsoft
revoke the WM-DRM Software’s right to acquire
new licenses to copy, display and/or play Se-
cure Content. This revocation does not affect the
ability of the WM-DRM software to playback
unprotected content. A list of revoked WM-DRM
Software is sent to your device whenever you
download a license for Secure Content from the
Internet or from a PC. Microsoft may, in conjunc-
tion with such license, also download revocation
lists onto your device on behalf of Secure Con-
tent Owners.
“Real enabled” licence condi-
tions for end users
End users
a. May not modify, technically reconstruct or take
apart the device, or make any other attempts
to decode the source code or imitate the func-
tions of the customer code. This clause is only
invalid if specifically prohibited by law.
b. Will resign all claims and conditions in the
name of Real Networks Inc. that are not speci-
fied in these license conditions for end consum-
ers; this explicitly includes claims or conditions
for the purpose or marketing, and suitability
for certain purposes. No liability will be ac-
cepted for indirect, specific, random and result-
ing damage, such as loss of value.
c. Have to confirm that “this product is protected
for Microsoft by intellectual property rights.
The use or distribution of this technology out-
side of this product is prohibited unless under
licence from Microsoft or an authorised sub-
Venice 6.2 licence conditions for
end users
By using this product user agrees to the follow-
ing End User License conditions:
1 Refrain from modifying, translating, reverse en-
gineering, decompiling, disassembling or us-
ing other means to discover the Source Code
or otherwise replicate the functionality of the
Client Code, except to the extent that this re-
striction is expressly prohibited by applicable
2 This agreement disclaims on behalf of Real
Networks Inc. all warranties and conditions
other than those set forth in this End User Li-
cense, express and implied, including implied
warranties or conditions of merchantability
and fitness for a particular purpose; and effec-
tively exclude all liability for indirect, special,
incidental and consequential damages, such
as lost profits.
3 This product is protected by certain intellectual
property rights of Microsoft. Use or distribution
of such technology outside of this product is
prohibited without a license from Microsoft.
3rd Party License Acknowledge-
Mp3 codec from Thomson Licensing
Notice required:
"Supply of this product does not convey a license
under the relevant intellectual property of Thom-
son and/or Fraunhofer Gesellschaft nor imply
any right to use this product in any finished end
user or ready-to-use final product. An independ-
ent license for such use is required. For details,
please visit http://www.mp3licensing.com."