Model G0471 3 HP Air Compressor
Symptom Possible Cause Possible Solution
Loud repetitious noise
coming from air com
1. Pulley setscrews or keys
are missing or loose.
2. Motor fan is hitting the
1. Inspect keys and set-
screws. Replace or
tighten if necessary.
2. Adjust fan cover mounting
position, tighten fan, or
shim fan cover.
Low pressure at the
1. Pressure regulator.
2. Air leaks in hoses.
3. Pressure gauge bad.
4. Pressure switch turns the
motor OFF too soon.
1. Adjust pressure regulator,
if no improvement, inspect
regulator for leaks or
2. Check air hoses and all
connections for leaks (see
Page 22).
3. Replace the pressure
4. Adjust the pressure switch
(see Page 23)
Low pressure at the
tanks, or tank pressure
drops after co
is turned OFF.
1. Air leaks in tanks or deliv-
ery pipes.
2. Drain valve open.
3. Air filter clogged.
4. Leaking check valve.
5. Pressure relief valve
releasing below 120 PSI.
6. Gaskets leaking.
7. Worn rings.
8. Pressure switch turns the
motor OFF too soon.
1. Check air tanks, pipes and
all connections for leaks
(see Page 22).
2. Close drain valve.
3. Inspect and clean air filter.
4. Repair the check valve
(see Page 22).
5. Replace pressure relief
6. Check gaskets on cylinder
head assembly, repair or
replace as needed.
7. Inspect and replace pump
piston rings.
8. Adjust the pressure switch
(see Page 23).
Compressor knocking. 1. Improper oil level.
2. Air filter clogged.
3. Piston assembly loose.
1. Check oil level and add oil
(see Page 10).
2. Inspect and clean air filter.
3. Inspect and repair piston
and connecting rod.
Pressure relief valve
stays open and motor
won’t stop running.
1. Pressure switch
too high.
2. Faulty pressure switch,
unit is trying to overpres-
sure the tank.
3. Faulty pressure relief
1. Adjust the pressure switch
(see Page 23)
2. Turn compressor OFF,
unplug from power sup-
ply, and empty tank.
DO NOT USE until switch
is replaced.
3. Relief valve is reliev-
ing pressure too early.
Replace pressure relief