26 311321H
Replace Trigger Valve
1. Clean gun according to Clean Spray Gun
Procedure, page 20.
2. Disconnect air supply from gun.
FIG. 26: Replace Trigger Valve O-Ring
3. Remove mounting screw and locknut that
hold trigger in place. Remove trigger.
4. Remove valve retainer nut.
5. Pull out valve spool and valve spring.
Remove old o-rings.
6. Prior to installation, liberally lubricate all
o-rings with lubricant provided in Rebuild
7. Remove pipe plug from rear of gun handle.
8. Remove rear internal pipe plug (under pipe
9. Use pin punch and hammer to gently tap
spring seat until it and valve liner push out
opposite end of hole.
10.Remove 4 o-rings on liner.
11.Apply thick coat of Lubriplate grease to new
o-rings and install.
12.Clean valve hole. Remove any dirt and
debris. Apply thick coat of Lubriplate
grease to inside of valve hole.
13.Slide spring seat into gun handle air valve
hole, tapered end first, until it bottoms out.
14.Push valve liner in as far as it will go. Tem-
porarily screw in valve retainer nut, which
aligns valve liner and valve spool. Remove
valve retainer nut.
15.With valve spool spring in place, insert
valve spool into valve liner. Screw in valve
retainer nut. Do not overtighten.
16.Apply small amount of pipe thread sealant
to 1/16 in. pipe plug threads. Screw pipe
plug in place.
17.Apply small amount of pipe thread sealant
to 1/8 in. pipe plug (or 1/8 in. pipe nipple)
and install.
18.Reinstall trigger using screw and locknut.
Follow steps 7-15 to replace o-rings on
valve liner. If o-rings do not need to be
replaced, go to step 16.
For guns configured with air inlet at rear of
gun handle, pipe nipple replaces pipe plug.
Remove pipe nipple.
Refer to Parts, page 30.