Repair / Réparation / Reparación
34 313314B
Electrical Troubleshooting
If check is OK, go to next check
When check is not OK, refer to this column
Sprayer does not run at all See flow chart, page 40.
Digital display is blank
Control board status light never
Sprayer does not run at all See flow chart, page 40.
Digital display shows dashes
and psi icon is not blinking
Control board status light blinks
once when switch is turned on
but then stays off
WatchDog Activated Reset Watchdog
Sprayer does not run at all Check transducer or transducer
1. Make sure there is no pressure in the system (see
Pressure Relief, page 15). Check fluid path for
clogs, such as clogged filter.
2. Use airless paint spray hose with no metal braid
1/4 in. x 50 ft minimum. Smaller hose or metal braid
hose may result in high-pressure spikes.
3. Set sprayer to OFF and disconnect power to sprayer.
4. Check transducer and connections to control board.
5. Disconnect transducer from control board socket.
Check that transducer and control board contacts
are clean and secure.
6. Reconnect transducer to control board socket.
Connect power, set sprayer ON and control knob
1/2 turn clockwise. If sprayer does not run properly,
set sprayer to OFF and go to next step.
7. Install new transducer. Connect power, set sprayer
ON and control knob 1/2 turn clockwise. Replace
control board if sprayer does not run properly.
Digital display shows E=02
Control board status light blinks
2 times repeatedly