Operator's ManualSixth Edition · Second Printing
Part No. 1000209 Z-60/34 3
Do not drive the machine on or near uneven
terrain, unstable surfaces or other hazardous
conditions with the boom raised or extended.
Do not drive the machine on a slope that exceeds
the maximum uphill, downhill or side slope rating of
the machine. Slope rating applies only to machines
in the stowed position.
Maximum slope rating, stowed position, 2WD
Counterweight uphill 25% (14°)
Counterweight downhill 20% (11°)
Side slope 25% (14°)
Maximum slope rating, stowed position, 4WD
Counterweight uphill 40% (22°)
Counterweight downhill 30% (17°)
Side slope 25% (14°)
Note: Slope rating is subject to ground conditions
and adequate traction.
Do not alter or disable machine components that in
any way affect safety and stability.
Do not replace items critical to machine stability
with items of different weight or specification.
Do not push off or pull toward any object outside
of the platform.
Maximum allowable side
force - ANSI and CSA
150 lbs / 667 N
Maximum allowable
manual force - CE and
90 lbs / 400 N
Do not use the platform controls to free a platform
that is caught, snagged or otherwise prevented
from normal motion by an adjacent structure. All
personnel must be removed from the platform
before attempting to free the platform using the
ground controls.
Do not alter or disable the limit switches.
Do not raise the boom when wind speeds may
exceed 28 mph / 12.5 m/s. If wind speeds exceed
28 mph / 12.5 m/s when the boom is raised, lower
the boom and do not continue to operate the
Do not operate the machine in strong or gusty
winds. Do not increase the surface area of the
platform or the load. Increasing the area exposed
to the wind will decrease machine stability.
Use extreme care and slow speeds while driving
the machine in the stowed position across uneven
terrain, debris, unstable or slippery surfaces and
near holes and drop-offs.