Operator’s ManualThird Edition • First Printing
Part No. 114002 Genie AWP Super Series 3
Do not raise the platform unless the machine is
level. Do not set the machine up on a surface
where it cannot be leveled using only the leveling
Do not cause a horizontal force or side load to the
machine by raising or lowering a fixed or
overhanging load.
Do not push off or pull toward any object outside
the platform.
Maximum allowable
side force
50 lbs / 222 N
Maximum allowable
manual force
45 lbs / 200 N
Do not operate the machine near drop-offs, holes,
bumps, debris, unstable or slippery surfaces or
other possible hazardous conditions.
Do not alter or disable machine components that in
any way affect safety and stability.
Do not replace items critical to stability with items
of different weight or specification. Use only Genie
authorized replacement parts.
Do not push the Genie AWP from the platform side
of the machine.
When moving the machine with a forklift or other
transport vehicle, the platform should be fully
lowered, the machine should be turned off and no
personnel shall remain in the platform.
Do not use the machine on a moving or mobile
surface or vehicle.
Do not raise the platform when wind speeds may
exceed 28 mph / 12.5 m/s. If wind speeds exceed
28 mph / 12.5 m/s when platform is raised, lower
the platform and do not continue to operate the
Do not operate the machine in strong or gusty
winds. Do not increase the surface area of the
platform or the load. Increasing the area exposed
to the wind will decrease machine stability.
Occupants, equipment and materials shall not
exceed the maximum platform capacity.
Maximum capacity
AWP-20S 350 lbs 159 kg
AWP-25S 350 lbs 159 kg
AWP-30S 350 lbs 159 kg
AWP-36S 350 lbs 159 kg
AWP-40S 300 lbs 136 kg
Maximum occupancy 1 person