Advance Planning
Restaurant-Style Hoods Restaurant-Style Hoods
without Warming Shelf Installed with Shelf Installed1
*Possible *Possible
Actual Hood Hood
Ceiling Installation 6" Duct 12" Duct Installation 6" Duct 12" Duct
Height Height Covers Covers Height Covers Covers
7' 11" 31" 1 1 37" 1
8' 0" 32" 1 1 32" 1 1
8' 0" 38" 1
8' 1" 33" 1 1 33" 1 1
8' 2" 34" 1 1 34" 1 1
8' 3" 35" 1 1 35" 1 1
8' 4" 30" 2
8' 4" 36" 1 1 36" 1 1
8' 5" 31" 2 37" 1 1
8' 6" 32" 2 32" 2
8' 6" 38" 1 1
8' 7" 33" 2 33" 2
8' 8" 34" 2 34" 2
8' 9" 35" 2 35" 2
8' 10" 30" 1 2
8' 10" 36" 2 36" 2
8' 11" 31" 1 2 37" 2
9' 0" 32" 1 2 32" 1 2
9' 0" 38" 2
9' 1" 33" 1 2 33" 1 2
9' 2" 34" 1 2 34" 1 2
9' 3" 35" 1 2 35" 1 2
9' 4" 30" 3
9' 4" 36" 1 2 36" 1 2
9' 5" 31" 3 37" 1 2
9' 6" 32" 3 32" 3
9' 6" 38" 1 2
9' 7" 33" 3 33" 3
9' 8" 34" 3 34" 3
9' 9" 35" 3 35" 3
9' 10" 30" 1 3
9' 10" 36" 3 36" 3
9' 11" 31" 1 3 37" 3
10' 0" 32" 1 3 32" 1 3
10' 0" 38" 3
These vent hoods must be installed 30" min. to
36" max. above the standard 36" high cooking
surface. When installed with the warming shelf,
allow 32" min. to 38" max. clearance. The exact
hood installation height is determined by the
ceiling height.
1. Measure the exact ceiling height.
2. Review the chart at right to determine the
range of possible hood installation heights that
can be accomplished with one or more duct
3. Increase or decrease hood installation height to
accommodate the fixed 6" or 12" duct covers.
4. Duct covers may be stacked, in various
combinations, to reach ceiling heights.
32" Min.
38" Max.
30" Min.
36" Max.
to Floor
Duct Cover(s)
Duct Cover(s)
to Floor
Note: When determining the installation height, consideration
must be given to the use of the warming shelf.
*Based on 36" countertop height.
Note: Additional duct covers may be used to reach higher ceilings.