Special recommendations for
washing permanent press
if ycwl do not have a dryers
If you are machine-washing Perm- ~ Be careful not to overload
@Use more water than you would
anent Press clothes that you plan
washer Permanent Press clothes for a regular load. Use a Medium
to hang or drip-dry, use extra care
must have ample room to move
Fill for a Small Load; a Full Fill for
to minimize wrinkling in the wash
freely. A Medium size load is the
a Medium Load.
process: largest you should use for
Permanent Press.
@Removeclothes as soon as washer
stops and hang immediately.
Factorstoconsiderin selection
ofdetergents andsoap.
Products: Advantages:
Phuxphate— Perform well in hard or soft
Are not available in some
Powdered Detergents water.
Wash all types of fabrics well.
Can be used in hot, warm, or
cold water.
Nm-Phosphate- Perform satisfactorily in soft
Do not clean well in hard
Powdered Detergents
or moderately hard water.
In some areas only non-
May be difficult to dissolve,
phosphate products are especially in cold water.
Should not be used in cold
Those containing sodium
carbonate as an ingredient
may cause harmful limestone
deposits on clothes and
washer when combined with
hard water. (See Page 10.)
Perform well in soft water.
Offer better performance in
hard water than powdered non-
phosphate types.
Clean synthetics and fabric
blends well.
Are excellent as concentrates
for removing spots.
Completely dissolve even in
cold water.
May not perform as well as
powdered phosphate products
when diluted in wash water.
soaps Perform well in soft water. Do not clean well in medium-
hard or hard water.
May combine with water
hardness minerals to form
sticky soap curd.