Revised 2/99
TPX24SPBBS - GE Profile Performance
23.5 Cu. Ft. CustomStyle
Side-By-Side Refrigerator
Collar Trim Installation
Collar Trim Installation
An enclosure is required to match up to the
trim, see Typical Installation. To obtain the most
integrated look, the cabinet or soffit above the
refrigerator should extend out to the same
depth as the side panels. The refrigerator
opening must have minimum dimensions of
70-1/4" high x 36-1/8" wide x 24-1/4"* deep as
shown at right. If there is an overhead cabinet,
allow 1" for cabinet door clearance with the top
trim piece so the cabinet doors can be opened
without hitting the top trim. If 1/2" side panels
are used, then side trim and panel will be even.
If 3/4" side panels are used, then some of the
side panel will extend beyond the trim and
must be finished.
*24-1/4" depth applies only to the refrigerator opening,
not the actual cabinet depth.
surface on the case.
Typical Installation
Shaded areas represent front surfaces
of side panels and overhead cabinet or
soffit that contacts trim.