c and
The door handlesand t can be
cleanedwith a clothdampenedwith
a solutionofmildliquiddishwashing
detergentand water.Dry with a sofl
cloth. Don’twaxhandlesor trim.
Keep the finish clean. Wipewith
a clean cloth, lightlydampened
with kitchenappliancewaxor mild
and polishwith a clean, softcloth.
Do not wipe the refrigeratorwith a
soiled dishwashingcloth or wet
towel.Thesewillleavea residuethat
can damagethe paint. Do not use
scouringpads, powderedcleaners,
bleach or cleaners containing
bleach because theseproductscan
scratch and weaken thepaint finish.
Protect the paint finish. The ftish
on the outsideofthe refrigeratoris
a highquality,baked-onpaintftish.
With proper care, it will staynew-
looking and rust-free for years.
Apply a coat oflcitchen/appliance
wax when the refrigeratoris new,
and then at least twice a year.
Appliance Polish Wax& Cleaner
(Cat. No. WR97X0216)is available
from GE Appliance Parts Marts.
Clean the inside of the fresh food.
and freezer compartment at least
once a year. Unplug refrigerator
beforecleaning.If thisis notpractical,
wring excessmoistureout of sponge
or cloth when cleaning around
switches, lightsor controls.
Use warm water and baking soda
solution—about a tablespoon of
baking soda to a quart of water.
T-hisboth cleans and neutralizes
odors. Rinse thoroughly with water
and wipe dry.
CMherpails of the refrigerator-
iricluding door gaskets, meat and
vegetable drawers, ice stoi”agebin
arid all plastic parts—can be
cletmcd the same way.Do not use
cleansing ~owders or other
abrasive cleaners.
Tohelp preventodors,leave
an openboxofbakingsodain the
rear ofthe refrigerator,on thetop
shelf. Changethe boxeverythree
months.An openboxof baking
sodain thefreezer willabsorb
Don washanyo yew’
plasticp hit
Care shouldbe takenin moving
yourrefrigeratorawayfrom the
wall. All typesoffloor coverings
can be damaged, particularly
cushionedcoveringsand those
with embossed surfaces. Pull the
refrigerator straightout and return
it to positionbypushingit straight
in. Movingyour refrigeratorin a
sidedirection mayresult in darnage
to yourfloorcoveringor refrigerator.
For most efficient operation, you
need to keep the condenserclean.
Turn temperature controlto OFF.
Removethe base grille, if your
refrigerator has one—seepage4.
Sweep awayor vacuumdustthat is
readily accessible on condenser
coils, then turn the controlback on.
For best results, use a brush
specially designed for this purpose.
It is availableat most appliance
parts stores. This easy cleaning
operation should be done at least
once a year.
A lightbulbandsocketarelocatedat
thetopofthefreshfmd compartment
panel. Toreplace thebulb, unplug
unscrewbulb whencool, and
replace with similarsizebulb.
VW-kenyou goon
For extendedvacationsor
absences, removefoodand shutoff
powerto the refrigerator.Clean the
interior with bakingsoda solution
of one tablespoonofbaking sodato
one quart of water.Wipedry. To
i)reventodors, leaveopenbox of
baking soda in refrigerator.Leave
doors open.
vwXi01U3, remove
perishable foodsand leavecontrols
atregular settings.However,ifroo
temperature is expectedto drop
as for extended vacations.
If your refrigeratorhas an
icemaker, movethe icemaker
feeler arm to the OFF (up) position
and be sure to shutoff the water
supplyto the refrigerator.
when you. Tim@we
Disconnect the power cord from
the walloutlet, removeall food,
and clean and dry the interior.
Secure all loose items such as
shelves and storagepans
b t
them securely in place to prevent
Be sure the refrigerator staysin
an uprightpositionduring actual
moving and in the van. The
, .,-
refrigerator must be secured in the
van to Preventmovement.~ro~e~~