
Problem Possible Causes What To Do
Food browns on top much Rack has been placed in the $OZD\VXVHWKHUDFNLQLWV´ORZµSRVLWLRQ
faster than on the bottom “high” position.
Oven temperature The cooking element cycles 7KLVLVQRUPDO
fluctuates during cooking on and off to maintain the
oven temperature at the
desired setting.
Vent fan comes on The vent fan automatically turns 7KLVLVQRUPDO
automatically on to protect the microwave if it
senses too much heat rising from
the cooktop below.
During Bake, Roast or Fast Bake 7KLVLVQRUPDO
(after preheating), the vent fan
will automatically come on to
cool the oven components.
SENSOR ERROR appears When using a Sensor feature, 'RQRWRSHQGRRUXQWLOVWHDPLVVHQVHGDQGWLPH
on the display the door was opened before is shown counting down on the display.
steam could be detected.
Steam was not detected in a 8VH&RRN7LPHWRKHDWIRUPRUHWLPH
maximum amount of time.