Chapter 5. Displaying and Configuring Data
94 Transport® Model PT878 Portable Liquid Flowmeter User’s Manual
5.3 The Limits Option (cont.)
5. The first prompt asks for the minimum value shown in the graph.
a. Press [ENTER] to open the text box.
b. Use the numeric keys to enter the desired value.
c. Press [ENTER] to confirm the value.
6. Repeat the procedure in step 5 to enter the maximum value.
A line graph involves two more prompts.
7. The next prompt asks for the display interval.
a. Press [ENTER] to open the text box. Use the numeric keys to enter
the desired number. Press
[ENTER] to confirm the value.
b. The second box asks for the interval in terms of seconds, minutes,
hours, or days. Press
[ENTER] to open the drop-down menu, and
then press the [
T] or [S] keys to move to the desired parameter.
[ENTER] to confirm the entry.
8. The final three prompts ask for details of the graph configuration: if you
want to use lines, plot the average value, or show the minimum and
maximum values. Press the [
T] key to step through each value, and
[ENTER] to add a given detail as part of the graph.
9. When you have configured the graph, press [F3] (OK) to confirm the
graph settings.
The screen returns to Operate Mode, and displays any changes.