rPhillips-head screwdriver
or quadrex head screwdriver
rPutty knife or thin-blade screwdriver
K Read the instructions all the way through before
K Handle parts carefully to avoid scratching paint.
K Provide a non-scratching work surface for
the doors.
K Set screws down by their related parts to avoid
using them in the wrong places.
K All screws must be hand-tightened.
K Normal completion time to reverse the door
swing is 30–60 minutes.
"%$')#) Once you begin, do not move the
cabinet until door-swing reversal is completed.
These instructions are for changing the hinges
from the right side to the left side—if you ever want
to switch them back to the right side, follow these
same instructions and reverse all references
to the left and right.
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rChrome door cap
rChrome door hinge cap
rInner door cap
2 Plug buttons