Script file is a file containing a set of CLI commands which are used to configure the
switch. CLI commands are repeated in the file for clarity, providing guidance to the user
editing the file as to what commands can be used for modifying variables used by MNS.
The script file does not have a check sum at the end and is used for configuring a large
number of switches easily. As with any configuration file that is uploaded, GE Multilin, Inc.
recommends that modifications of this file and the commands should be verified by the
user in a test environment prior to use in a "live" production network.
The script file will look familiar to people familiar with the CLI commands as all the
commands saved in the script file are described in the CLI User Guide. A sample of the
script file is shown below.
# Copyright (c) 2001-2005 GE Multilin, Inc All rights reserved.
# ---------------------------------
# Use, duplication or disclosure is subject to U.S. Government
# restrictions as set forth in Sub-division (b)(3)(ii) of the
# rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at
# 52.227-7013.
# This file is provided as a sample template to create a backup
# of GE MultiLink switches configurations. As such,
# this script provides insights into the configuration of GE MultiLink switch's settings.
# GE Multilin, Inc. recommends that modifications of this
# file and the commands should be verified by the User in a
# test environment prior to use in a "live" production network.
# All modifications are made at the User's own risk and are
# subject to the limitations of the GE MultiLink MNS End User
# License Agreement (EULA). Incorrect usage may result in
# network shutdown. GE Multilin, Inc. is not liable for incidental or
# consequential damages due to improper use.
# System Manager - This area configures System related #
# information. #
set bootmode type=manual
ipconfig ip= mask= dgw=
set timeout=10
telnet enable
snmp enable
# User Accounts - This area configures user accounts for #
# accessing this system. #
add user=manager level=2
passwd user=manager
<additional lines deleted for succinct viewing>