
The time cookingfeatureallows
To becomebetteracquaintedwith
you to presetthe cookingtime.
time cooking,makea cup of coffee
The ovenshutsoff automatically.
by following the stepsbelow.
PowerLevel10is recommendedfor
mosttime cooking,but youmay
changethisfor more flexibility.
Seeyour Cookbook.
Step1:Filla cup2/3full of waterand
add 1 teaspoon of freeze dried
coffee.Usea cup that has no metal
decoration. Placecup
in oVenand
Step 2:
Turn PowerLevel Control
to HIGH*
Step % Turn Tirne/Temp Switch to
the left to TIME.
Step4: Turn Time Setto 1%or half-
way between1 and 2 for a cooking
timeof 1 minuteand30 seconds.
Step% PushSTART.Whenoven is
cooking,interiorlight comeson,and
a fan starts to operate to tell you
ovenis oper%ing.
Step6:When time is up, oven sig-
nalsandshutsoff automatically.
NOTE:When setting a time of less
than 1 minute, rotate timer % turn
and then back to desired time
t% I set myoven forthetimecalled Q. Can I interrupt my Time Cook-
for in the recipe but at the end of
ing to check the food?
the time allowed, my dish wasn’t
A. Yes. If there is time remaining
done. What happened?
on the Timer,simply closethe door
A. Since house power varies due
(% i want to cook my dish cm a
and push START,
to time or location, many Time
PowerLevelother than HIGH, what
NOTE: Microwave power will not
Cook recipesgive you atime range
do I need to do?
come on until ym.Jare ready. You
to prevent overcooking Set the
A. To changethe PowerLevel,turn
must push START for cooking to
owm for minimum time, t~st the
the Variable Power Level Control
food for doneness,and cook your
to Power Level desired. dish a little longer, if necessary,