Removing and Cleaning the Filters
Toremove, slidethem to the rear using the
tabs. Pulldown and out.
Toclean the vent filters, soak them and then
swish around in hot water and detergent.
Don't useammonia or ammonia products
because theywill darken the metal. Light
brushing can be used to remove embedded
Rinse,shake and letdry before replacing.
Toreplace, slide thefilters into the frame slots
on the back of each opening. Pressup and to
the front to lock into place.
Charcoal Filter
Thecharcoal filter cannot be cleaned.
It must be replaced. Order Part No.
WBO2X10956from your GEsupplier.
Ifthe model is not vented to the outside, the
air will be recirculated through adisposable
charcoal filterthat helps remove smoke and
Thecharcoal filter should be replaced when it
isnoticeably dirty or discolored (usuallyafter
6 to 12 months, depending on usage).See
"Optional Kits,"page 8,for more information.
Remove 2 grille screws to remove
the grille.
To Remove the Charcoal Filter
Toremove the charcoal filter, first disconnect
power at the main fuse or circuit breaker,
or pullthe plug.Removethe top grille by
removing the two screwsthat hold it inplace.
You may need to open the cabinet doors to
remove the screws.
Liftthe filter at the bottom until it comes free
of the tabs. Slidethe filter down and out.