GEK-106465A CIO Remote CAN Digital I/O Module 35
Settings relative to Outputs:
Output Logic_0X _XX: Type of logic applied to outputs. Possible values are positive and negative. The default
value is positive.
Output Type_0X _XX: Type of output adjusted. Possible values are normal, latched or pulse; the default value is
Pulse Output Time_0X _XX: This is the output pulse length in case the output type is selected to be pulse; the
default value is 10000 ms.
Output Logic: Type of logic applied to outputs; possible values are Positive and Negative; the default value is
Positive. Depending on the type of setting selected, the physical output will be in the same direction (positive) or
opposite (negative) the output activation command.
Output Type: This is the set output type. Possible values are normal, latched or pulse; the default value is Normal.
Normal type follows the activation command. Pulse type delays the time, according the Pulse Output Time setting.
Latched type remains active after the activation command. The physical output reset when it is configured as latched
can be performed using a deactivation command. Such command must be configured at Setpoint > Relay
Configuration > Outputs > Contact Output Reset”.
Pulse Output Time: This is the output pulse length, applicable only to signals set as pulse type; the default value is
10000 ms and the setting range is 0 to 60000 ms (1 minute).
FIGURE 5-3 shows the types of signals associated to the different output configuration types.