• Time Lapse: Automatically capture pictures at
predened intervals.
The ash is designed not to work in this mode in order
to enable quick succession of shots.
Date Imprint
Include a Date/Time stamp in the photo image. There are three
options available:
• O
• Date
• Date and Time
Continuous Shot
Use this setting to perform continuous shooting. After entering
this mode, you can shoot multiple images by by pressing and
holding down the shutter button.
There are ve available options:
• OFF: Turn o the Continuous Shot function.
• Continuous shooting: Press and hold the shutter
button to shoot continuously until you release the
shutter or until the memory card has run out of space.
shot: Capture up to 3 consecutive pictures.
3 shots (Last): Capture pictures continuously until the
Shutter button is released. Only the last 3 shots will be