DEH40206 Installation Instructions
Cleaning Switch
The third DIP switch, when set in
the OFF position as shown, changes
the operation of the entire switch
unit to provide a Cleaning Scenario.
The intent of the cleaning scenario is to allow the cleaners to
turn on or off a large area without negatively affecting
occupants who may be staying late. When in the cleaning
mode, any button on the switch unit will turn ON the relays
softwired to that switch button, similar to a standard switch.
However, when the button is toggled off, any relays which are
ON because of an occupant override will remain ON.
Combining the Cleaning Scenario with Pattern operation can
provide an elegant solution to control of cleaning lights (see
Figures 9 and 10). Let’s assume that switch 01-01 has been
configured as a cleaning switch with button 1 controlling a
Pattern in which the north half of the floor is ON and south
half is OFF. The second button does just the reverse. With this
combination, whenever the cleaners turn on one half of the
floor, the other half turns off automatically, saving half the
lighting. Furthermore, since switch 01-01 has been configured
as a cleaning switch, the cleaning crew cannot accidentally
put an occupant in the dark. For instance, if an occupant has
used a switch to turn ON relay 01-01, the cleaning switch
cannot turn that relay OFF as shown in the sequence below.
1. After hours, all lights are off.
2. Late-working occupant enters,
turns on lights in Zone 1.
3. Cleaning crew presses Button
1 on Cleaning Switch to turn
on north cleaning area.
4. Cleaning crew presses Button
2 on Cleaning Switch to turn
on south cleaning area – lights
in north cleaning area turn off,
except for Zone 1.
Figure 9
Figure 10
GE Total Lighting Control
41 Woodford Avenue, Plainville, CT 06062
©2000 General Electric Company
GE Total Lighting Control
DEH40206 BL 0700 R02