Data Factory Customer
Display Setting Description Setting Setting
to This sets the number of times the Drive automatically
10 tries to restart after a trip caused by overcurrent or
overvoltage within the range of 0 to 10 times
with F_14 = 4 or 5.
If the retry function has been activated and a trip occurs,
the Drive will restart automatically depending on the
cause of the trip.
Make sure that the system is set up properly so that
there will be no danger to personnel when the
Drive starts, otherwise accidents may occur.
(Operation Selection)
This sets the operation mode when a momentary power
failure occurs and when power is restored.
0: Alarm LU activates, drive output immediately ceases.
If power outage is lengthy and AC power is reapplied
with a run command present, error "Er6" will occur.
Also, resetting of faults while a run command is
present shall not be allowed.
1: Drive output immediately ceases, alarm LU activates
upon power recovery. If power outage is lengthy and
AC power is reapplied with run command present,
error "Er6" will occur. Also resetting of faults while a
run command is present will not be allowed.
2: Alarm LU does not activate, drive output creases
(i.e. motor coasts) awaiting reapplication of power. If
power outage is momentary, drive output resumes at
frequency at the time of power failure. If, however,
output is lengthy and AC power is reapplied with a
run command present, error "Er6" will occur. Also
resetting of faults while a run command is present
shall not be allowed.
3: Alarm LU does not activate, drive output caeses
(i.e. motor coasts) awaiting reapplication of power.
If power outage is momentary drive output resumes
at frequency = 0. If, however, output is lengthy and
AC power is reapplied with a run command present,
error "Er6" will occur. Also resetting of faults while
a run command is present shall not be allowed.
4: Alarm LU does not activate, drive output ceases
(i.e. motor coasts) awaiting reapplication of power.
If power outage is momentary the same behavior as
setting of "2" occurs. If power outage is lengthy and
AC power is reapplied with a run command present,
the drive will start up normally. Resetting of faults is
allowed even if a run command is present.
5: Alarm LU does not activate, drive output ceases
(i.e. motor coasts) awaiting reapplication of power.
If power outage is momentary the same behavior as
setting of "3" occurs. If power outage is lengthy and
AC power is reapplied with a run command present,
the drive will start up normally. Resetting of faults is
allowed even if a run command is present.
If restarting (data 4 or 5) is
selected for the restart after
momentary power failure
function, the drive will restart
after power is restored