TCP/IP Ethernet Communications User’s Manual – August 1997 GFK-1084B
Table 4-1. PLC Fault Table Descriptions (Continued)
PLC Fault User Action
LAN I/F can’t init - check parms; running
soft Sw utl
Internal system error. User Action: If problem
persists, contact GE Fanuc Automation.
LAN I/F capacity exceeded; discarded re-
Verify that connection limits are not being exceeded.
LAN interface hardware failure; switched
off network
User Action: Replace Ethernet Interface.
LAN network problem exists; perfor-
mance degraded
Excessive backlog of transmission requests due to
excessive traffic on the network. For a sustained pe-
riod the MAC was unable to send frames as quickly
as requested. User Action: If problem persists, con-
tact GE Fanuc Automation.
LAN severe network problem; attempting
External condition prevented transmission of frame
in specified timeframe. Could be busy network or
network problem. User Action: Check transceiver to
make sure it is securely attached to the network.
Check for unterminated trunk cable.
LAN system-software fault; aborted
connection resuming
Internal system error. User Action: If problem
persists, contact GE Fanuc Automation.
LAN system-software fault; restarted LAN
Internal system error. User Action: If problem
persists, contact GE Fanuc Automation.
LAN system-software fault; resuming Internal system error. User Action: If problem
persists, contact GE Fanuc Automation.
LAN transceiver fault; OFF network until
Transceiver or transceiver cable failed or became dis-
connected. User Action: Reattach the cable or re-
place the transceiver cable. Check SQE test switch if
present on transceiver.
Local request to send was rejected; dis-
carded request
Internal error. Check that the Ethernet Interface is
online. User Action: If problem persists, contact GE
Fanuc Automation.
Memory backup fault; may lose config/log
on restart
Internal error accessing FLASH device.
User Action: If problem persists, contact GE Fanuc
Automation. Replace Ethernet Interface.
Module software corrupted; requesting
Catastrophic internal system error. Contact GE Fa-
nuc Automation.
Module state doesn’t permit Comm_Req;
COMMREQ received when Ethernet Interface can-
not process COMMREQ. User Action: Make sure
Ethernet Interface is configured and online.
Unsupported feature in configuration PLC firmware does not support ethernet commu-
nications software. User Action: Check CPU revi-
sion, order upgrade kit for CPU.