Cook CodeTUControl is a short-cut method for en-
tering time and the PowerLevelon your microwave
oven. Cooking Codes are only used for recipes
which need little or no attention, and which require
no change of power level during cooking. Recipes
which require additional ingredients, attention or
change of power level during microwaving should
be cooked in the usual manner. Also, recipes with
cooking time of less than one minute or more than
99 minutes can not useCooking Codes.
To understand the Cook Code control, it is impor-
tant to know what the numbers meanand what the
sequence is. The first and second numbers, if set-
ting a 3 digit Cooking Code, indicate the amount of
time you desire; the last control entry number is
always the Power Level. For example, 125 means
12 minutes at Power Level5. NC)TE:Youroven can
only be programmed to 99 minutes when using the
Cook Code control and the highest Power Level is
10 which is represented by “O”. When setting a
2 digit Cook Code’control entry, the first is time, the
second is power level. For example, 50 means
5 minutes at Power level 10.
On the following page is shown many frequently
prepared foods and their codes. It’s easy,though,
to make Cooking Codes for many other recipes.
Just selectoneor two digits representingthe length
of cooking time desired, and a final digit for the
PowerLevelrequired.The Cooking Codesgivenon
the chart arefor the minimum time needed,to avoid
overcooking which can dry out food and make it
tastelessand tough. If you feel that morecooking is
needed, add additional time by changing the first
digit of the Code. You cannot add seconds to the
cycle time—Cooking Codes are for whole minutes
only. If your recipecalls for PowerLevelchangesor
different amounts of time neededbetweenaddition
of ingredients, you may set one Cooking Code for
thefirst part of the recipe,thenaftercompletion, set
another Cooking Code for that period of time and
Power Level.
Remembet that Cooking Codes are for micro-
waving by time only. If you are microwaving by
temperature, you must usethe Temp Cook or Auto
Time in
Power Level
Time in
Power Level
Minutes High (10)
Med (5)
Programming you?oven for Cook CodeT”Control operation is easy,Follow the simple steps below,
$~~~ I; Touch COOK CODE,
Signal light above Code flashes.
fN~~ ~: Enter the proper code
into Cook Code control, Forexam=
pie, a recipe calling for 12 minutcw
cooking time at Power Level 10
would be 120,120appears on the
display panel.
$~~~ ~: Touch START, Signal
light aboveTIME COOK shows as
well as time counting down on