To replace hood lamp, first dhwrmect powerat
fuse or clwwlt breaker panel or pull plug.
Remove2 screws from each side cdlower panel and
3 screws from front edge. Lower panel until it rests
on range below. 13esure bulb to be replaced is cool
before removin~oRemovebulb or bulbs and rePlace
with 40 watt ap~liance bulbs. Raiselower panel and
replace screws. Connect electrical power to micro-
TOreplaceyour oven lamp,first dhwormmtpowerat
breakeror pullplug,Removethe
top grill by taking off 2 screws which hold it in place,
Next, remove the single screw on top left that
secures lamp housing. (On models so equipped.)
Open oven door for easierremovalof the lamp hous-
ing assembly.Then grasp tab and pull out and up to
clear door hinge and front lip of oven. To remove
bulb, push it inward gently and turn to left, then pull
outward from socket, Replace with GE Lamp
Clean off the grease and dust on hood surfaces
often. the a warm detergent solution. About 1 table-
spoon of ammonia may be added to the water. Take
care not to touch the filters and enameled surfaces
with this. Ammonia
will tend to darkenmetal.