The benefit is automatic setting and contra! of cooking, but just like conventional microwaving you must
check the food after the AUTO cycle [oven beepsand
cook time begins to count down on display) and turn,
rotate or Sir as recommended.
the round or loaf microwave-safe
containers. Fish loaves made with
precookedor canned fish useAuto
Cook Code 4. f3eefloaf
Cook Code $, Cover with plastic
wrap and rotate %turn after oven
signals. Seethe chart on following
page for recipes.
and pieces,or turkey parts should
be placed in a microwave-safe tl-
in. sqyare dish, 12 x 8 x 2-in, dish
or 3 qt. casserole. Cover securely
with plastic wrap or container lid.
H cooking bag is used for whole
chicken, shield breast bone with
$mall strip of foil. Rotate dish %
turfi when oven signals. Lk%eAuto
Cook Code 4. -
- ... ..—.—....-—
PorkChopsautomaticallycook well
in 8 x 12x 2-in. dish, covered with
plastic wrap, Add barbeque sauce
other sauce cm each chop.
Microwave using Auto Cook Code
49 which is Code 4 with the added
digit 9 giving the Code 20% more
titie. (Seepage 17.)
Chuck o? rump rcms$sshould be
placed in a cooking bag with %
cup water or marinade (see rnari=
nacie rscipes on page 98 in
Cookbook) and placed in a rnicro-
wave==safedish, Cut bagto fit close
to the sizeof the roast and tie open
SPaJ’edb$ and brisketshould be
automatically cooked in round
glass container with lid or plastic
wraptMakesureliquid coversmeat,
After oven signals, Mm over or
rearrange meats often,
L&mthe following step-by-step instructions and tips when adapting your casserolerecipes for Automatic
W31emtrecipes that do not require adding irtgre~
clients at different stfigm during cooking or
recipes that require oxtr~ attention stirring
or rotating.
Uso microwave-sate containers that are appro-
priate in size to the food amount. Use 3 qt. corl-
tainers or less.
For saucv casseroles,cover container with lid or
plastic wrap. (No vents.) For cheese or crurnb-
topped casseroles,remove cover after oven sig+
nais and add topping, then continue cooking
Allow precooked ingredients m’ hot SW.NXMto
COOIslightly before adding other ingredients.
Meats and vqetables should be submerg~d in
After oven sigoals, rotate dish % turn and stir
covering all ingredients with liquid,