ORCA-IV Image Transfer Laminator Operation Manual
Maintenance and Troubleshooting
© GBC Pro-Tech 1998 October
25 I pressed the totalizer-reset
push button while in total-
izer mode, and it did not
reset and other buttons on
the panel do not work either,
but the controls on the other
panel work.
a. Is the machine reset?
b. Is there a problem with the key-
c. Is there a software problem?
a. Reset the machine. See "Machine
Reset Procedure" on page 3-3.
b. Check/tighten the connector to
the keypad.
c. Call Technical Support.
26 My air supply is 100 psi, but
my control panel reads less
than 100 psi.
a. Has the display panel been cali-
b. Is the pressure transducer faulty?
a. Call Technical Support.
b. Call Technical Support.
27 When I operate the machine
in reverse, an alarm goes off.
a. This is a normal safety function. a. No corrective action necessary.
28 An alarm sounds rapidly
after a 10 second delay.
a. Main rolls are down, and the rolls
are not turning.
a. Raise the rolls or run the machine
at a slow speed to increase the life
of the rolls.
29 After 55 minutes of no activ-
ity, a 4 beep alarm sounds,
followed by a 30 second
a. The main roll is in the up position
and the temperature controller is
a. If you’re not using the machine,
turn the temperature controller
off, or lower the roll and run the
machine at a slow speed. Failure
to do this will reduce the life of
your rolls and may cause perma-
nent damage.
30 The alarm does not come on
for the conditions outlined
a. Is there a technical problem with
the alarm?
a. Contact Technical Support.
31 When the rolls are stopped, I
pressed the switch to adjust
the pressure to the brakes or
clutches, and nothing hap-
a. Are the e-stop push buttons
pressed and the kick cables reset?
b. Is the machine reset?
a. See problem 12.
b. Reset the machine. See "Machine
Reset Procedure" on page 3-3.
32 When the rolls are moving, I
pressed the switches to
adjust the pressure to the
brakes and clutches, and
nothing happens.
a. This may be normal. When the
machine is running the computer
takes over the settings and adjusts
the pressure to the brakes and
clutches. The change that you
attempted to make may have been
too small to see on the gauge as a
percent allowable pressure for
that size roll.
a. Push and release button (do not
hold). Try manual mode.
In automatic mode with the motor
off, set the web force. When it
starts to run, see calculated pres-
sure sent to brake for that
required web force. Even though
you do not see a large increase in
the pressure on the display, feel
the web tension manually to see if
the brake tension has changed.
33 I pressed the motor forward
push button and the arrow
light did not come on.
a. Are the shafts locked in? a. Close the doors and lock in the
shafts, then try the motor.