16 VHF 300 Series Owner’s Manual
Digital Selective Calling
2. The radio automatically sounds an alarm, switches to Channel 70, and transmits your
call on HI (25 W) power. You can press any key to turn off the alarm sound.
3. After transmitting your distress call, the radio automatically tunes to Channel 16 on HI
(25 W) power. Press the PTT key on the handset and speak your message. The radio
waits for an acknowledgement (ACK) on Channel 70 from a listening station.
Sending a Designated Distress Call
When you send a designated distress call, the nature of your emergency is transmitted to the
receiving stations.
1. Lift the spring-loaded door and press the DISTRESS key.
2. Use the Channel knob to select the type of distress call:
NOTE: To exit this screen without sending a designated distress call, press the CLEAR key
to return to the Home screen, or press the 16/9 key (North American models) or the 16+ key
(International models) to tune to Channel 16.
3. Press and hold the DISTRESS key for at least three seconds.
4. The transceiver beeps, and the screen displays “DISTRESS CALL COUNTING DOWN”.
The channel pane counts down the seconds from 3 to 1.
5. The radio automatically sounds an alarm, switches to Channel 70, and transmits your
call on HI (25 W) power. You can press any key to turn off the alarm sound.
6. After transmitting your distress call, the radio automatically tunes to Channel 16 on HI
(25 W) power. Press the PTT key on the handset and speak your message. The radio
waits for an acknowledgement (ACK) from a listening station.