This function displays and adjusts the sidetone audio
level. Turn the Small knob to change the value. The
range is from 0 to 255. Setting the value to 0 slaves the
sidetone level to the volume control knob.
As it arrives from the factory, the SL40 automatically
adjusts its display brightness for the current lighting
conditions. A small sensor at the upper left of the display
is used for this function. There are two adjustments
available for controlling the brightness level of the
display. The first controls the lower brightness level in
the automatic adjustment range (Lo Dsp Lvl). This is the
brightness used when in total darkness. The second
adjusts the upper limit of this range (Hi Dsp Lvl). This is
used when bright light is shining on the display.
The factory settings for these are at the limits of the
range, 0 (Lo Dsp Lvl) and 50 (Hi Dsp Lvl). The range
can be reduced if desired using the inner knob to adjust
the two values.
Some users may wish to disable the automatic dimming
function. This can be accomplished by setting the high
display level to zero. Now the low level adjustment will
set the brightness of the display directly with no
automatic adjustment made based on ambient light.
System Functions
Sidton Lvl