After switching on, the DJ-SCAN 250 will automatically detect whether DMX 512 data is received or not. If
the data is received, the control LED flashes. If there is no data received at the DMX-input, the control LED
lights up permanently.
This situation can occur if:
- the 3 PIN XLR plug (cable with DMX signal from controller) is not connected with the input of the DJ-SCAN
- the controller is switched off or defective, if the cable or connector is defective or the signal wires are swap
in the input connector.
It’s necessary to insert the XLR termination plug (with 120 Ohm) in the last lighting in the link in order to
ensure proper transmission on the DMX data link.
Control channel 1 - Horizontal movement (Pan)
Push slider up in order to move the mirror horizontally (PAN).
Gradual mirror adjustment from one end of the slider to the other (0-255, 128-center). The mirror can be
stopped at any position you wish.
DMX-value Feature
0-255 Gradual adjustment of the mirror position from left to right
Control channel 2 - Vertical movement (Tilt)
Push slider up in order to move the mirror vertically (TILT).
Gradual mirror adjustment from one end of the slider to the other (0-255, 128-center). The mirror can be
stopped at any position you wish.
DMX-value Feature
0-255 Gradual adjustment of the mirror position from down to up
Control channel 3 - Colour-wheel
Linear colour change following the movement of the slider. In this way you can stop the colour-wheel in any
DMX-value Feature
0-18 White
18-35 Dark blue
36-53 Pink
54-71 Light green
72-89 Orange
90-107 Light blue
108-126 Yellow
127 Cherry red
128-191 Forwards rainbow effect with increasing speed
192-255 Backwards rainbow effect with increasing speed
Control channel 4 - Rotating gobo-wheel
DMX-value Feature
0-15 Open
16-31 Rot. gobo 1
32-47 Rot. gobo 2
48-63 Rot. gobo 3
64-79 Rot. gobo 4
80-95 Rot. gobo 5
96-111 Rot. gobo 6
112-127 Rot. gobo 7
128-191 Forwards gobo-change with increasing speed
192-255 Backwards gobo-change with increasing speed