5 - 4
No. Symbol Name
50 For manufacturer setting 0000
51 *OP6 Function selection 6 P S T 0000
52 For manufacturer setting 0000
53 *OP8 Function selection 8 P S T 0000
54 *OP9 Function selection 9 P S T 0000
55 *OPA Function selection A P 0000
56 SIC Serial communication time-out selection P S T0 s
57 For manufacturer setting 10
58 NH1 Machine resonance suppression filter 1 P S T 0000
59 NH2 Machine resonance suppression filter 2 P S T 0000
60 LPF Low-pass filter, adaptive vibration suppression control P S T 0000
61 GD2B Ratio of load inertia moment to Servo motor inertia moment 2 P S70
62 PG2B Position control gain 2 changing ratio P 100 %
63 VG2B Speed control gain 2 changing ratio P S 100 %
64 VICB Speed integral compensation changing ratio P S 100 %
65 *CDP Gain changing selection P S 0000
66 CDS Gain changing condition P S10(Note3)
67 CDT Gain changing time constant P S1ms
68 For manufacturer setting 0
69 CMX2 Command pulse multiplying factor numerator 2 P 1
70 CMX3 Command pulse multiplying factor numerator 3 P 1
71 CMX4 Command pulse multiplying factor numerator 4 P 1
Internal speed command 4 S
72 SC4
Internal speed limit 4 T
200 r/min
Internal speed command 5 S
73 SC5
Internal speed limit 5 T
300 r/min
Internal speed command 6 S
74 SC6
Internal speed limit 6 T
500 r/min
Internal speed command 7 S
75 SC7
Internal speed limit 7 T
800 r/min
76 TL2 Internal torque limit 2 P S T 100 %
77 100
78 10000
79 10
80 10
81 100
82 100
83 100
Expansion parameters 2
For manufacturer setting
Note 1. The setting of "0" provides the rated servo motor speed.
2. Depends on the servo amplifier.
3. Depends on the parameter No. 65 setting.