1.5.2 Mounting considerations
Transmitting antenna
• Total antenna length is 10 to 18 meters.
• The length of the vertical portion should be longer than 4 meters, and the slant angle of that
part should be within five degrees.
• Separate the transmitting antenna as far as possible from stays, metallic objects, direction
finder antenna and INMARSAT radome antenna.
• Locate the insulator away from funnels, etc.
• If the antenna coupler is installed out of wheelhouse, use a lead-in insulator (FURUNO type:
YA-256) to make the connection. If necessary, use a high quality antenna switch and
stand-off insulator.
• If the antenna is connected directly to the coupler, use a strain insulator to prevent insulator
Receiving antenna
A receiving antenna is required for duplex communication. Furuno can supply two types of
receiving antennas: FAW-6RP2 (six meter whip, w/standard mounting bracket), or FAW-6D
3-110682-00 (six meter whip, w/universal mount).
The receiving antenna should be separated at least five meters from the transmitting antenna
(as far as possible). Install a receiving antenna junction box at the base of the antenna.
1.6 Mounting of Optional Equipment
Preamp unit FAX-5
The body of preamp unit can be mounted two ways:
1) The bottom of the preamp unit is designed to accept a threaded extension mast of 1 inch
diameter. The pitch of the thread should be 14 threads per inch. To prevent undue flexing of
the mast in heavy winds, the mast should not be longer than 1.5 m (5 feet).
2) The side of the preamp unit has a molded channel so that it may be mounted directly to a
stub mast with two stainless steel hose clamps. Hose clamps must be arranged locally.
Screw the 2.6 m whip antenna (option) tightly onto the preamp unit and waterproof the junction
and other exposed metallic parts with sealing compound (silicone rubber, putty, etc.)
Note that a wire antenna of 2 to 3 meters length may be used instead of the whip antenna.
Note: The preamp unit requires 12 VDC power. See paragraph 3.5 for how to provide power to
the preamp unit.