Trick Three:
Player A leads the third trick with the Bonus Rage card. Seeing
as that the trick was led with an Action card, Player B can play
any card from their hand. This will determine the lead color for
this trick. They play the Orange 7, which is currently winning
the trick. Player C trumps the Orange 7 with a Red 15. Player C
wins the trick and will lead the final trick. Player C will note that
they received a Bonus Rage card for winning this trick.
Trick Four:
Player C leads with their last card, an Out Rage Action card.
Immediately, the red trump card is turned over to indicate that
there is no trump for the rest of the round. Player A lays down
the Yellow 5 card. Player B follows up with a Wild Rage card.
Noting that there is not a trump color any more, Player B
declares that the Wild Rage card is of the same color that was
led, yellow, and wins the final trick. (Recall that the Wild Rage is
considered to be the highest value of the color it is called out
to be).
With all of the cards played, the round is now complete. The players count up the
numbers of tricks they won: Player A won one trick, Player B won two tricks and
Player C won one trick (a trick that included a Bonus Rage card which will give
Player C a five point bonus).
SCORING: After all tricks in the round are completed (the players no longer have
cards in their hand), the round is scored. Each player receives points as listed
+1 point for each trick won.
+5 points for each Bonus Rage Action card in the tricks won.
-5 points for each Mad Rage Action card in the tricks won.
+10 points for correctly predicting the exact number of tricks they would win.
Exception: Only +5 points for correctly predicting that they would win zero tricks.
+0 points for failing to correctly predict the number of tricks they would win.
The total number of points is recorded on the score sheet.