Expanding Your Searches
Understanding Searches
and Expansions
When you search for a word, either
by entering it at the Search screen
or by highlighting it in text, titles and
headings (in bold type) are searched
first for exact matches. If no exact
matches are found in titles or head-
ings, then the text is searched for
exact matches.
If no exact matches are found, then
the titles and headings are searched
for inexact matches, such as inflec-
tions and synonyms. If no inexact
matches are found in the titles and
headings, then the text is searched
for inexact matches.
A word search stops as soon as
matches are found at a level de-
scribed above. Pressing
red key) continues the search to the
next level and finds additional
matches, if any. The number of
matches found at a given search
level may be less than at the previ-
ous level.
Once you have found a drug mono-
graph, there are many ways to read it.
Try this example.
1. Press
2. Hold
and press
to go to the start of the
monograph for 1,25-
3. Use the Quick keys to move to
sections of the monograph:
To go to the... Press...
Action section A
Contraindications section C
Indications &
Dosage section D
Interactions section I
Nursing Considerations N
Onset, Peak, Duration O
Patient Teaching P
Reactions R
Supplied S
Reading Drug Monographs