OK or .
3. In the selected module, press /
to select a topic and then press OK
/ .
• Repeatthisstepiftherearesub-
4. Press / or / to read the
• Ifawordorphraseishighlighted,it
means a pronunciation is available.
Press F3 [Listen] to listen. Press F3
[Stop] to stop listening.
• Youcanrecordyourown
pronunciations to compare with the
native voices. Press F2 [Rec On] to
begin recording. The recording stops
automatically when the progress
bar is full. To give up the recording,
press F2 [Rec O]. Press F3 [Listen]
to listen to the native voice and
then your own pronunciation. The
recording will be erased once you
select another word.
• InOddOneOutunderMischief
Makers, press F1 [Start] to start the
exercise. Use the direction keys to
select the answers and then press
OK, or F1 [Conrm] to submit the
answers. To quit the exercise, press F2
Using Let’s Talk!
1. In the Exercises menu, press /
to select “Pronunciation Trainer”
and then press OK / .
2. In Pronunciation Trainer, press
/ to select “Let’s Talk!” and then
press OK / .
3. In Let’s Talk!, press / to select a
user name and then press OK / .
• See5.1 Creating User Names.
4. A word is shown and pronounced.
You have to repeat the word and
record your own pronunciation.
• PressF3 [Stop] to stop the playback.
• Inexercisemode,youcanpressF1
[Replay] to listen the word again
and then press F2 [Record] to start
recording. The recording stops
automatically when the progress bar
is full. Press F3 [Skip] to go to the
next word without recording.
• Intestmode,youmustsaythe
word immediately after hearing the
pronunciation. The recording stops