Installing Book Cards & Selecting Books ....................... 4
Using the Color Keys ..................................................... 5
Changing the Language ................................................. 5
Viewing a Demonstration .............................................. 6
Translating English Words ............................................. 7
Translating French Words .............................................. 8
Learning Inflections ....................................................... 8
Finding a Letter ............................................................. 9
Finding a Prefix ............................................................. 10
Correcting Misspellings................................................. 10
Using your Personal List................................................ 11
Highlighting Words ........................................................ 12
Sending Words .............................................................. 13
Changing Game Settings ............................................... 13
Playing the Games......................................................... 14
Welcome to the world of BOOKMAN!
BOOKMAN is a powerful, portable elec-
tronic reference with a built-in book and a
slot in the back for more books. With this
French Professor
, you can now translate
and define more than 250,000 words, cor-
rect misspellings of both French and En-
glish words, view noun, adjective, and verb
inflections, and save words to a Personal
word list for a more enjoyable way to learn.
To learn how to use other books, read their
User’s Guides.