
Maintenance – Electronic Products
The Franklin Electric SubDrive/MonoDrive Constant Pressure controller is a variable-speed drive that delivers water
at a constant pressure.
WARNING: Serious or fatal electrical shock may result from failure to connect the motor, SubDrive/MonoDrive
Controller, metal plumbing and all other metal near the motor or cable to the power supply ground terminal using
wire no smaller than motor cable wires. To reduce the risk of electrical shock, disconnect power before working on
or around the water system. Capacitors inside the SubDrive/MonoDrive Controller can still hold a lethal voltage even
after power has been removed. Allow 10 minutes for dangerous internal voltage to discharge. Do not use motor in
swimming areas.
SubDrive/MonoDrive Troubleshooting
Should an application or system problem occur, a built-in diagnostics will protect the system. The “FAULT” light on the
front of the SubDrive/MonoDrive Controller will fl ash a given number of times indicating the nature of the fault. In some
cases, the system will shut itself off until corrective action is taken. Fault codes and their corrective actions are listed
below. See SubDrive Installation Manual for installation data.
SubDrive75, 150, 300, MonoDrive, & MonoDrive XT
* “Cycle input power” means turn the power off until both lights fade off and apply power again
# OF
Motor Underload
Air-locked pump.
Overpumped or dry well.
Worn pump.
Damaged shaft or coupling.
Blocked pump or screen.
Wait for well to recover and automatic restart timer to time
out. If the problem does not correct, check motor and pump.
See description on “smart reset” at the end of the
installation manual.
Low line voltage.
Misconnected input leads.
Check for loose connections. Check line voltage. Report low
voltage to the power company. Unit will start automatically
when proper power is supplied.
Locked Pump
Motor/pump misaligned.
Abrasive/sand bound pump.
Dragging pump or motor.
Unit will attempt to free a locked pump. If unsuccessful, check
the motor and pump.
(MonoDrive Only)
Incorrectly Wired Start winding resistance too low.
Check if main and start wires are swapped. Make certain
proper motor is installed.
Open Circuit
Loose connections.
Defective motor or cable.
Check motor wiring. Make certain all connections are tight.
Make certain proper motor is installed.
*Cycle input power to reset.
Short Circuit
When fault is indicated immediately
after power-up, short circuit due to loose
connection, defective cable, splice or motor.
Check motor wiring. *Cycle input power to reset.
Over Current
When fault is indicated while motor is
running, over current due to loose debris
trapped in pump.
Check pump.
High ambient temperature.
Direct sunlight.
Obstruction of air fl ow.
This fault automatically resets when temperature returns to
a safe level.