D-160 Owner's Manual (MMC/FEX List/Maintenance/Specifications)
22 4D: move clip status request
The command inquiring the clipboard status. If there is a move paste data on the clipboard,
D-160 will reply with "32 4D (<edit message=01>)." If data in the clipboard is for copy
paste or there is no valid data on it, "32 4D (<edit message=14 (void data)>)" will be
22 4E: move paste status request
The command inquiring the move paste execution status.
When this command is received, D-160 will reply with "32 4E (<edit message=02><mmc
time>)" or "32 4E (<edit message=00>)." <mmc time> indicates unprocessed time until
23 41: digital in channel status request
23 41: adat in channel status request
The command inquiring the digital in channel setup status.
When this command is received, D-160 will reply with "33 41 (<channel><channel>)" or
"33 41 (<channel=7F><count><mmc track>)."
23 42: digital out channel status request
23 42: adat out channel status request
The inquiring the digital out channel setup status.
When this command is received, D-160 will reply with "33 42 (<channel><channel>)" or
"33 42 (<channel=7F><channel=0>)."
23 43: program status request
The command inquiring the presently operating program number.
When this command is received, D-160 will reply with "33 43 (<program>)."
23 44: click on/off status request
The command inquiring the metronome on/off status of D-160.
When this command is received, D-160 will reply with "33 44 (<on/off>)."
23 45: level status request
The command inquiring the present output level data of the 1~16 tracks. In D-160 as the
level data is updated about every 40msec., inquiry in 40msec. units is effective.
When this command is received, D-160 will reply with "33 45 (<count=10><level data>)."
23 46: resolution status request
The command for inquiring the resolution on/off setup status.
When this command is received, this equipment replies with "33 46 <on/off>."
23 47: midi sync out status request
The command for inquiring on status of the midi sync out setup condition.
When this command is received, this equipment replies with "33 47 <midi sync>."
23 48: MTC offset mode status request
The command for inquiring the MTC offset mode setup status. When this command is
received, this equipment replies with "33 48 <MTC offset mode>."
23 49: vari pitch status request
The command for inquiring status of vari pitch on/off and vari pitch data. When this
command is received, this equipment replies with "33 49 (<count=3> <on/off> <vari