Displaying and Printing Events
Displaying Events
2. To open a dialog box of display options, right-click
the mouse with the pointer in the graph. Also see
under Changing Graph Styles” on page 33.
Viewing Events as an Event Distribution Graph
The Event Distribution Graph plots the magnitude of an
event against duration on a logarithmic scale in order to
determine the importance of the data. For example, a
single random event may not be as significant as a
cluster of recurring events. This information can be
interpreted using the CBEMA Curve found in Chapter 6,
Power Quality Issues,
in this manual.
• With the Site Report window open at the Events
tab, choose Event Distribution Graph from the
View menu (or click the Event Distribution button
on the ToolBar).
The Graph Setup dialog box will appear enabling you to
make your display choices. An explanation of these
choices is given under “Viewing Events as a Bar Graph”
on page 29.