
Appendix B
Summary of Error Messages
Summary of Error Messages
Negative error numbers are from the Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments
(Version 1991.0).
Table B-1. Summary of Error Messages
Value Description and Corrective Action
0 No Error.
-103 Invalid Separator. Check punctuation in the SCPI command.
-104 Data Type. The type of parameter data is incorrect. Check for numeric versus string
-109 Missing Parameter. No valid parameter was found for the SCPI command.
-110 Command Header. The command name is not valid.
-113 Command Unknown. The command specified does not exist.
-114 Header Suffix. The numeric suffix for the command name is out of range.
-201 Remote Required. Remote command conflicted with local interface. Return local
interface to main Menu.
-221 Settings Conflict. The command could not be executed due to the current state of
the Calibrator. Some commands cannot be executed while a program, self-test, or
calibration is in progress.
-222 Out of Range. The value is not within the valid range. For pressures, check your
high and low limits.
-281 Cannot create program. Program memory is full.
-282 Illegal Program Name. The name specified is not valid or does not exist.
-284 Program Currently Running. The command cannot be executed while a program is
-285 Program Syntax Error. The syntax of the program definition is not correct.