Fluke 192/196/199
Users Manual
Amperes (AMP)
With Optional Current Probe or Current Shunt
Ranges........................... same as VDC, VAC, VAC+DC
Probe Sensitivity................100 µV/A, 1 mV/A, 10 mV/A,
100 mV/A, 1 V/A, 10 V/A, and 100 V/A
Accuracy ........................ same as VDC, VAC, VAC+DC
(add current probe or current shunt accuracy)
Modes .........................Max peak, Min peak, or pk-to-pk
Maximum Voltage
with 10:1 probe ............................................... 1000 V
direct (1:1) ........................................................ 300 V
Maximum Resolution
with 10:1 probe ................................................ 10 mV
direct (1:1) ......................................................... 1 mV
Full Scale Reading....................................... 800 counts
Max peak or Min peak.............................
±0.2 division
Peak-to-peak ..........................................
±0.4 division
Frequency (Hz)
Range....................................1.000 Hz to full bandwidth
Full Scale Reading.................................... 9 999 counts
with at least 10 waveform periods on screen.
1 Hz to full bandwidth....................
±(0.5 % +2 counts)
Duty Cycle (DUTY)
Range...................................................4.0 % to 98.0 %
Pulse Width (PULSE)
Resolution (with GLITCH off)....................... 1/100 division
Full Scale Reading....................................... 999 counts
1 Hz to full bandwidth....................
±(0.5 % +2 counts)