Hit the falling mud balls!
• Use the joystick to move the dinosaur
into the mudballs.
Level 1 - Hit only mud balls highlighted
on the bottom of the screen.
Level 2 - Hit the mud balls in
numerical order.
Level 3 - Hit the mud balls in
numerical order, counting by 2’s.
• When you’re fi nished with this activity,
press the exit button to return to
the road. Pedal to the next activity.
Learn about different
dinosaur sizes!
• Count the rocks on the bottom of
the screen to see how big the
dinosaur is!
• Pedal the cycle to allow Diego to fl y
over the dinosaur.
• When you’re fi nished with this activity,
press the exit button
to return to
the road. Pedal to the next activity.
Mud Math Dino-Size
Numbers Rocks