Press to access the Review menu.
This menu lists all of the parameters stored in the connected device,
including information about the measuring element, signal condition, and
output. It also includes stored information about the connected device such
as tag, materials of construction, and device software revision.
A fast key sequence is simply a sequence of numerical button presses,
corresponding to the menu options that lead you to a given task. For
example, Figure 2-5 displays the fast key sequence for trimming analog
output on a Model 1151 Pressure Transmitter.
The first digit represents option number one on the Online menu. Once this
option is selected, the Device Setup menu appears. The second digit
represents option number two of the Device Setup menu, which is the
Diagnostics and Service menu. The Calibration menu is activated by
pressing the third digit, and the fourth digit accesses the trim analog output
option of the Calibration menu. This example is illustrated for the Model 1151
Pressure Transmitter on page 2-7. For more detailed information on fast key
sequences, consult your product manual.
FIGURE 2-5. Sample Fast Key Sequence.