1789 Norwood Avenue, Itasca, Illinois 60143-1095 • USA • 630-893-1600
Australia Canada Deutschland France Japan Polska United Kingdom
Benelux China España Italia Korea Singapore United States
2006 Fellowes, Inc. Part No. 401506
Office Laminators
Declaration of Conformity
Useful Phone Numbers
Declaration of Conformity
Fellowes Manufacturing Company
Yorkshire Way, West Moor Park, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN3 3FB, England declares that the product Model Saturn
conforms with the requirements of (RoHS) the Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive 2002/95/EC. The Low Voltage
Directive 72/73/EEC as amended by directive 92/68/EEC. The Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive 89/336/EEC as amended
by directives 92/31/EEC & 96/68/EEC. And the following Harmonised European Normes EN standards and IEC standards.
Information Technology Equipment: EN-60950-1 2001 / IEC-60950-1 2001
EMC: EN-55014-1 / A2 : 2002 EN-55014-2 / A1 : 2001 EN-61000-3-2 : 2000 EN-61000-3-3 / A1 : 2001
Itasca, Illinois, USA
June 30, 2006 Mark Martin
Help Line
Australia + 1-800-33-11-77
Canada + 1-800-665-4339
Europe 00-800-1810-1810
México + 1-800-234-1185
United States + 1-800-955-0959
Australia + 61-3-8336-9700
Benelux + 31-(0)-76-523-2090
Canada + 1-905-475-6320
Deutschland + 49-(0)-5131-49770
España + 34-91-748-05-01
France + 33-(0)-1-30-06-86-80
Italia + 39-071-730041
Japan + 81-(0)-3-5496-2401
Korea + 82-(0)-2-3462-2884
Malaysia + 60-(0)-35122-1231
Polska + 48-(22)-771-47-40
Singapore + 65-6221-3811
United Kingdom + 44-(0)-1302-836836
United States + 1-630-893-1600