
3.8 Gain and Offset Calibration
Gain and offset calibration are supported with use of the "FI LVDS Camera Control" graphic
user interface (GUI).
Note: When saving directly into ROM, stored values are not applied until after power
cycle. Values written to RAM are implemented immediately.
3.9 How to Modify Gain & Offset Values
1. Read the data stored in the ROM and record the factory adjusted values.
2. Enter the gain changes for CH1 through CH4.
3. Write the changes to the RAM.
A typical value with optimal noise performance is 400
Recommended maximum values is 600 (maximum value is 1023)
4. Use a flat illumination source, inspect the gain balance between the four channels.
5. Repeat step 2 to 4 until all the channels are matched.
6. Enter the offset changes for CH1 through CH4 (with lens cap on).
7. Write the changes to the RAM.
A typical value is 64
8. With no illumination to the CCD (completely dark), inspect the offset balance between
the four channels. (Fairchild Imaging nominal Dark Field Value is 4.0 DN.)
9. Repeat step 6 to 8 until all the channels are matched.
10. Select "WRITE" ROM. The data will be permanently stored in the EEPROM.
11. Power cycles the camera to apply stored values from the EEPROM.
Fairchild Imaging • CAM/CCD-2KLV.TDI & CAM/CCD-4KLV.TDI Line Scan Camera User’s Manual • Rev 073004 • 24 of 38