• To test the impedance of the entire speaker system, first disconnect the
speaker wires from the amplifier and then measure the impedance from the
disconnected wires, as shown below.
Impedance Test Points
Captive Screw
Test Points
To next speaker
Red Wire (+) disconnected
from Amplifier
Black Wire (-) disconnected
from Amplifier
ATTENTION: Disconnect the speaker system from the amplifier before
performing this test, otherwise you may damage the test meter.
• The impedance of the speaker downstream of the one being tested can be
measured while the system is powered on by first disconnecting the captive
screw connector from the speaker being tested and then connecting the test
probes to the outer (LOOP) terminals of the connector, as shown below.
ATTENTION: Be certain to first disconnect the captive screw connector
from the speaker being tested and test the outer (LOOP) terminals,
otherwise you may damage the test meter.
Impedance Test Points
Captive Screw
Test Points
To next speake
Red Wire (+) from Amplifier
Black Wire (-) from Amplifier
SF 26X User Guide • Installation 6