Rev. A
03 13
USB PowerPlate 200 Series Installation Guide
The Extron
USB PowerPlate 200 Series are USB power
charging products that provide power for electronic mobile
devices (such as smartphones and tablets) from an external
Extron power supply.
Each PowerPlate model has two USB Type A female
The PowerPlate 200 AC AAP adds a pass-through AC
Power (12 V) — The included external power supply connects
to the 2-pole connector to provide power for the USB
USB Output — The two USB connectors can supply up to 2.1A
(shared between the connectors) at 5volts (10.5 watts).
AC Pass Through (AC AAP only) — The AC pass-through is
rated for up to 12 amps.
NOTE: USB PowerPlate 200 series products distribute power
between the two USB connectors according to the requirements
of each connected device. Large tablets and other devices can
have high power requirements. When the maximum available
power is reached, the connected device may notify that it is not
charging while receiving a low charge.
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• This unit must be installed in accordance with the National
Electrical Code and with all local codes.
• Ensure that the installation meets the local and state regulatory
requirements, including building, electrical, and safety codes,
and UL and ADA accessibility requirements.
Power (12 V) — You must connect the included external power
supply to the 2-pole connector. Run the power supply wires to
the rear of the USB circuit board.
Connect the power supply wires as shown.
Power Supply
Output Cord
(5 mm) Max.